

The Northeastern End of the Temple Terrace and the Betili (Version 1a)

J6-next year

Processed on 2025-02-20

Date Author Record
2009-08-18 pC It will be interesting to dig in k84 and k85 to see the continuation to the east of the lower staircase, excavating it together with J2 on the western side, following the same stratigraphy. Under wall f129 was made a sounding to see the fondations of the wall and was possible to see stones which seems to be not part of the foundations of f129: they have a different orientation. If this line is continued to the south-east it would reach the possible end of the lower staircase. Another area to excavate in J6 is k73 under the bin a7. Here is the eastern continuation of wall f227. glacis f300 is not completely exposed. To expose it all one should start from k73 and k72 and go down finding wall f227 and f300. Interesting is k70 and to its north for the continuation of wall f218. On the other hand should be interesting to dig in k81 and k80: here should be the terrace mudbrick surface. In k82 were found lot of floating stones coming probably from a structure north of f218 and probably connected to f219. Also the large quantity of sealings and roofing pieces found in all k82 let hypothize that there is a structure fallen from k81 and k82. A dump of pottery was found under hollow pit f199 and the large presence of badly fried sherds together with kilnwaster let hypothezise the presence of a kiln on the east, may be in k72 [Input: T818PC.J]